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Karcher Tube and Pipe Cleaning Kit 15m

Brand: Karcher

Reference: 16036113

Offer: £94.11
PVP: £107.69
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  • In stock. Immediate shipment.
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Karcher Tube and Pipe Cleaning Kit 15m Compatible Products G 4.10 MG 7.10 MK 2,100-K 2,100 T 50-K 2,120 K 2,300-K 2,300 T 50-K 2,400-K 2,400 T 50-K 2,425 K 3,190 * EU-K 3,500 -K 3,550-K 4,600-K 4,600 T 250 K 4,800 eco! Ogic-K 5,600-K 5,700-K 5,700 T300 K 5,800 eco! Ogic-K 6,600-K 6,750-K 7,650 K 7,710 T 400-K 7,750-K 7,800 ecologic


More information

Karcher Tube and Pipe Cleaning Kit 15m

Unclog clogged pipes and drains without the need for chemicals. Four rearward facing high pressure jet nozzles move the hose through the tube and obstructions. With correlative marks and signaling ring, to indicate the advance inside the pipe. High-quality flexible hose for perfect cleaning: extra-short brass nozzle for maximum mobility in the pipe, protection against bending or twisting and a brass connection fitting, for a long service life. For high-pressure cleaners in the home-use range for domestic and outdoor use.


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