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3M 4251 mask organic vapor FFA1P2D autofiltrante

Brand: 3M

Reference: 16661351

Offer: £22.69
PVP: £28.88
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Mask for gases and vapors. FFA1P2D. Very light, harness adjustable clamping band quick release neck. Ideal applications convecional spray paint. Solvents for use in general resins, barnices.adhesvos


More information
3M 4251 mask organic vapor FFA1P2D autofiltrante
- Mask 3M autofiltrante (FFA1P2) pre-assembled, ready for use, designed for maximum simplicity and safety in use.
- Two activated carbon filters minimize large surface breathing resistance.
- Low resistance parabolic valve that facilitates venting and prevents the accumulation of heat inside the mask.
- Soft and made hypoallergenic facepiece material. Harness adjustable fastening.
- Appropriate mask when the type of risk is as follows: Organic Vapor (point above 65 ° C boiling) up to 10 x TLV or 1000 ppm, whichever is the lesser. Particles up to 4 x TLV.
- Use conventional spray paint, solvents in general (xylene, MEK, toluene ...), resins, varnishes, adhesives ...

Comments (1)

| 01/07/2019
3M 4251 mask organic vapor FFA1P2D autofiltrante

filtros de muda? quantos traz

Store response | 02/07/2019

La mascara viene con filtro. Si quiere mas tiene que pedir Gracias

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